Sunday, 17 March 2013

Red Nose Day and World Record!

"Congratulations Rossett School for a brilliant Red Nose Day - resilience shown in gaining the record - lots of fun and money raised"
 (from Twitter) (Youtube - published on 15th March 2013)

On Friday 15th March 2013 students @Rossett completed a two minute star jump challenge for Comic Relief. The official record was set by a company in Japan at 1,254. Rossett unofficially managed to have 1,258 students and staff star jumping simultaneously in the Rossett Comic Relief Giant Star Jump. 




Japanese Exchange 2012

Japanese Exchange 2012


Sunday, 10 March 2013

2 years from Great East Japan Earthquake

It has been 2 years since the earthquake. It was the day of graduation ceremony I heard. Just after when the ceremony had finished calmly, when people were having a quick rest around 3pm, this tragedy happened. I couldn't believe what I saw on the news. Very sad. If they didn't have the nuclear power plant...? We cannot stop thinking about it.
We hope your safe and fast recovery.


Thursday, 7 March 2013


It has been a steady week at Rossett.  What about you? :)

silk painting

This is a silk painting I made.
Its been a long week had lots of tests. next week were are doing silk painting.
by chris hill